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![]() For Sale-To Sell- To Share
![]() Subject: items for sale
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 16:06:49 -0900
From: "larry steenstry" <steenstry@inwave.com>
To: owensp@charter.net
Phil, here are two items I have for sale:
Item #1) Magellan 5000A GPS $75
This is an old GPS that works just fine but does NOT have a moving map.
It is 9" x 3 1/2" x 2" and takes 6 AA batteries.
Item #2) RotorWay 162F $54,900 (photo attached)
1999 RotorWay 162F KIT about 90% finished. 51 amp alternator, power coated
frame, 35mm secondary shaft with westach secondary drive bearing temperature
Pro-Drive cog belt and easy-start up grades, and a Microair 760 transceiver.
Al Behuncik's Tail Rotor Slider Upgrade. Al Behuncik's Thermostat Diverter
included but not installed. Painted in
Rainbow Extrem paint. None of the cyclic switches are installed (wiring IS
complete). Cyclic rubber boots and the fiberglass panel that holds the boots
need fitted. Rotor blades are as they came from Rotorway and must be
fitted, painted, and balanced. Final rigging then needs done. I have over
400 hours invested in getting it built thus far but must now sell this
project. Lots of photo¹s at retouchingexperts.com/rotorway.
For $54,900 you get $68,000 worth of new parts that are about 90% assembled
and over 400 hours of my labor. 262 723-3609, N5393 Kennel RD. Elkhorn WI.
Larry E. Steenstry
I thought your members might be interested in a new website that was just launched on December 21st 2002 at www.homebuiltairplanes.com .
Homebuiltairplanes.com is basically a discussion forum centered on homebuilt aircraft and the techniques for building and flying them. I believe that it’s a great format for Experimental Aircraft enthusiasts to get together to swap ideas, share stories, post pictures, add links, publish technical data, and simply chit chat about homebuilt aircraft. There is also an area for people to let others know what they need or what they have for sale. This site is in it’s infancy at the moment, but I am confident it will grow quickly to become a great resource for the Experimental Aircraft community. Feel free to stop by and register (it’s free). If you have any questions you can post them to the forum or send me an email at admin@homebuiltairplanes.com.
Thanks for your time.
Jake Crause
Dear EAA Chapter 60:
I've invented an aircraft tube notching tool fot the tubing
fuselage homebuilder that makes notching tube ends accurate,
fast and fun. Because of its "Single Point" design the notches
can be cut: Right. The First Time.
I've attached a file containing an introduction letter, a
description of the Accu-Jigger's "Secret" and a recent Press
As the "gatekeeper" or central contact for your chapter, take
a look at the documentation and our website
(www.accujigger.com) and judge for yourself. If you feel
comfortable passing this information on to your chapter's
members I would greatly appreciate it. If I had a regualar
address I could send copies of the files to be handed out.
Thank you for your time,
Gordon E. Smith
Owner: Zytek Designs
Gordon E. Smith
Owner / Zytek Designs
Aircraft for Sale
![]() 1946 Stinson 108 Fresh annual- completely restored
6 years ago. 1975 Lycoming 0360- 180 HP
Cleveland Brakes- Scott Tailwheel
King Radio comm. Transponder and endcoder 5 years old.
New Cable Pulley $35,000.00
Dear Chapter President,
My name is Don Zank, I have a business selling ultralight and
experimental aircraft. The name of the business is called Zanklites and
my web site is at http://www.zanklites.com
I have been selling light aircraft since 1984, so am known as an old
timer in this business. I sell
both the Titan and Challenger lines of aircraft. Challenger since 1984
and Titan since 1991.
I now have a prototype aircraft that I want to manufacture along
with my Australian partner Tony Phillips. We will manufacture the kits
in Australia and ship them by container here to my airport in Bloomer,
WI. for distribution around the states. You can view this plane at the
Patriot Website at ~egem/"http://members.wasp.net.au/~egem/ It is not a
public site but there is a lot of information there for you and your
members to take a look at.
The reason for my inquiry is to see if you or any of your members
may be interested in such a project and getting involved in an
investment arrangement. We have projected that 350000 is needed to make
this happen. It will insure that we can equip and staff the factory in
Perth, Australia for 1 1/2 - 2 years and produce 3 flying production
planes and have at least 20 kits available for immediate shipment. The
factory building already exists and was just built and completed by Tony
Phillips. It needs only to be equipped and staffed to start production.
We are very happy with the prototype airplane and the only changes to
the production planes
will be to go from the current fuselage tanks to wing tanks, allowing
for good baggage space
in the plane. And possibly also sheeting the wing with aluminum instead
of fabric covering for
it. That decision is not yet made.
To start looking for investors we figured, why not start with the
EAA chapters? So that is what prompted this inquiry. I will be happy to
correspond further with your or anyone in your
chapter further, and would also be happy to attend a "special" chapter
meeting at your own
airport to show and tell about the plane. Including demo flights for
those interested.
Don Zank
19251 state hwy 40
Bloomer, WI. 54724
Dear President,
Do you have anyone in your chapter who either has built or knows of someone who has built a Great Lakes that could offer encouragement to someone who has been discouraged from pursuing this project?
Separately, is there anyone who may be interested in a partially completed Great Lakes project?
In either case, Please contact me so I can get the parties together.
Thank You,
Larry Martin
Just thought you would be interested! I was wondering if you would be so kind as to pass this information on to all of the RV builders in your chapter.
I have developed a "Tip-Up / Slider" Canopy for the RV6, RV7, and RV9 aircraft.
It’s really neat. Many RVers liked it so much, they asked me to come up with a kit . . . so I did. Loading baggage is really easy now. Getting a fold-up bicycle in is really effortless! You can check it out at:
Please feel free to add a link to your web page for this web site if you like.
Please let me know how you like it. Oh, I also have a link to this web site on Van’s web site under Aircraft Extras.
Rich Meske
Columbus, OH
Aerospace Logic Inc. designs, manufacturers and sells aircraft instruments in the general aviation industry, with specific emphasis on private and commercial use. All of our instrumentation uses state-of-the-art technology with proven components and encompasses both digital and analog custom displays. We can facilitate both certified and uncertified markets!
On January 8, Aerospace Logic formed a strategic alliance with Novatronics Inc, who was appointed to perform the manufacturing of all Aerospace Logic TSO'd and STC'd instruments. In addition, Novatronics has also assumed an equity position within Aerospace Logic. Novatronics Inc. designs and manufacturers a wide range of motion control components and subsystems widely used in aeronautical and space related applications. Some of the certifications include, but are not limited to: Boeing DI-9000 Advance Quality Systems, Transport Canada Approval 12-87 (FAA), ISO 9001 and AS 9100 Registered, Joint Aviation Authority Listing and Manned Space Flight. Finally, Novatronics Inc. is one of the three world suppliers for the Canada Arm project. With Novatronics Inc. manufacturing Aerospace Logic instruments, we can be assured of the highest quality and standards, which far exceed those in the aviation industry.
We would very much like to offer your EAA Chapter a discount or distributorship status on our products and attend any fly-in events that you may have scheduled this year if geographically possible! If you would like to discuss this opportunity further, please contact our office at 905-569-3887 or email: sales@aerospacelogic.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
Warmest Regards
Mirella Colledan
Aerospace Logic Inc.
Phone: 905-569-3887
Fax: 416-352-5854
Visit us at: http://www.aerospacelogic.com
Aerospace Logic Inc., bringing you the safest, most accurate and comprehensive instruments on the market!